UR Home Light | Stylish lighting that complements your home | Open daily 10am-7pm except Monday
07-595 2525
RM {{flexiArea.factory_price}}
RM {{flexiArea.before_promotion_price}}
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DEKA V1 LED Ceiling Fan With Remote Control - DK08
Serial No: {{flexiArea.serial}}
Model : Deka V1
olour : Black
Measurement : 56'' inch Diameter
Blades : 5 Blades design with A.B.S Polymer Design
LED Light : 22W Mixtone Ultra Bright LED (Day light,Warn light)
Speed : 4 speeds
Silent & quiet breeze
High air flow design
1,3,6 Hour Timer Funtion
Remote control
AC Motor
Warranty: Local Warranty (DEKA CARELINE: +6 03-6242 1600)
- Accessories (1 Year)
- Motor (3 Years)
Price {{flexiArea.promotion_title}} {{flexiArea.promotion_startdate+"~"+flexiArea.promotion_enddate}}
RM {{flexiArea.price}}{{estShippingFee}}
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